Terminal cheatsheet
Some terminal commands that I use repeatedly but not enough that I don’t have to keep looking them up. Credit goes to friend and fellow OSU grad student Joseph Rossetti for many of these.
SSH login
ssh -l username name_of_remote_server
Transfer files between remote and local machines
# From me to remote server
scp my/directory/datafile.txt username@remote_server:/remote/directory
# From remote server to me
scp username@remote_server:/remote/directory/datafilet.txt my/directory/
Screen lets you open multiple windows in Unix. It also lets you run processes after you’ve logged off a remote server or lost connection for some reason.
Start new session
screen -S name_of_new_window
You don’t necessarily have to name a session but I think it’s helpful to.
List current screen sessions
screen -ls
Go to a particular screen session
screen -r name_of_session
Detach from a session
ctrl + a + d
Exit screen session
# While in the session
# While detached from the session (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1509677/kill-detached-screen-session)
screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] quit
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